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Information Technology Advisory Committee

ITAC Charter

To promote communication and coordination between Information Technology (IT) staff in all college departments and the college community and to ensure that instruction and administrative functions at Snow College are current, effective, and secure, an Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) is hereby established, whose mission and structure are described below.

1. MISSION The general mission of the IT Advisory Committee is to help fulfill the mission of Snow College with information technology. More specifically, the mission is the following:

1.1 to function as a two-way communications link between technology users and IT staff in all departments;

1.2 to develop and update strategic plans and goals for using information technology as instructional and administrative tools at Snow College;

1.3 to propose policy for usage, maintenance, replacement, and expansion of network, computing, and IT resources, and advise the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and other IT staff on IT budgetary issues.


The IT Advisory Committee membership is as follows:

  • one faculty member designated by each of the academic divisions;
  • one member designated by each of the following staff constituencies: Library, Business Office, Human Resources, Teaching and Technology Center, Admissions, Student Success, Institutional Research, Richfield Campus IT;
  • one student member designated by the Director of Student Life;
  • the CIO.


The committee has the following responsibilities:

3.1 fulfill the mission outlined in section 1;

3.2 promote effective communication between IT staff in all departments, the ITAC, and each member's constituents;

3.3 develop an IT strategic plan, and review and update it regularly;

3.4 propose IT policies for ratification by the College Council;

3.5 recommend IT general action plans and outcomes /objectives within the framework of the ratified policies and the strategic plan;

3.6 publish IT policies, goals, procedures, and the strategic plan;

3.7 advise on major IT purchases.

3.8 The Committee Chairperson shall publicly post a tentative meeting agenda before each meeting and see that the minutes of the committee meetings are made available to all interested parties in a timely manner.


The IT Advisory Committee is administered as follows:

4.1 the ITAC is a standing college-wide committee and the meetings are open to the public;

4.2 each constituency shall determine how its representative is selected and whether its representative may serve on the ITAC for a limited number of terms;

4.3 each term of representation shall begin July 1 and last for two years, with the terms for the representatives expiring as follows (with the first term expiring in 2005): Information Technology Advisory Committee Charter

Odd numbered years

Even numbered years

Natural Science Division Social Science Division Humanities Division Business and Tech Division Fine Arts Division ATE Division Library Student Success Business Office and HR Academic Support Services Institutional Research Enrollment Services and Financial Services Educational Services Instructional Assistance Teaching and Technology Center Richfield Campus - IT

4.4 the committee shall elect a Committee Chair and a recording secretary at the start of each year from among their own number for a renewable one-year term.


The ITAC Charter shall be amended in the following manner:

5.1 an amendment must be proposed by a member of the IT Advisory Committee;

5.2 the IT Advisory Committee must approve a written version of the amendment by a 2/3 majority;

5.3 the College Council must approve the amendment by a simple majority;

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